Meet Me in the Dark
Desperation. It’s the only thing that Sophie can blame for even considering the offer a stranger makes to her in an elevator. $300,000 to meet him at a hotel every Saturday for three months. It’s insane. It’s not even worth thinking about. Only, she can’t seem to get it, or him, off of her mind. Yes, she needs the money to pay for her sister’s surgery, but she can’t possibly spend the night with a man she knows nothing about. It doesn’t matter that he’s sexy or that his voice all but promises she’ll leave the hotel room more than satisfied. There's no way she can accept. And yet, she finds herself knocking on a hotel room door on Saturday night. Control. It’s the one thing Charlotte doesn’t feel like she’s had any of for the past few months. Ever since she had to tell her darkest sexual fantasy in a game of truth or dare at a party, and she saw the way Jackson’s eyes lit up at her words. Now her days are filled with dirty thoughts, and her nights with filthy dreams, about him. But she knows she can never be with him anywhere other than her mind. When Jackson corners her and offers to make her fantasy a reality, she’s as shocked as she is doubtful. She doesn’t believe he can make her feel like it’s anything more than pretend when he holds her down and takes her by force. He can’t give her the danger and thrill she’s seeking, so what’s the use in saying yes? Waking up from yet another dream about Jackson has her agreeing to hand over every bit of control to him, anxious to see what he’ll do with it. Now, she just has to wait until he comes for her. Denial. It’s what sends Lexa rushing from the room whenever Ezekiel and Jeremiah enter it, and has for months now. She knows nothing good can come from giving in to the feelings that fill her anytime they’re nearby. She’s fine with the desire that they make thrum through her, but she has sworn off anything that has to do with the heart for as long as she can remember. Two sexy brothers are not going to make her go against that. When she’s attending her best friend’s wedding, and loses her room card, she’s left with having to ask to stay in the room across from hers. The only problem is that the Wright brothers are in it. With the only options being to sleep in the hallway or knock on the door, she rises her hand. They invite her in all too easily, with smirks and lingering stares. Once she’s inside, they offer a single night with them. She can feel though, that come morning, nothing will be the same.
Meet Me in the Dark Free Chapters
01Chapter 1
Chapter 1
"I'll figure something out, Charlotte," I say for the third time. She squeezes my hand, giving me a weak smile that breaks my heart. "I know." I don't know if she believes herself any more than I believe her. Any more than I believe my own reassurances to her. Because I have no idea where I'm going to get the money to pay for her kidney transplant. Only that I need to get that money, somehow, some way. And quick. "I'll just go talk to the financial department again. There has to be something they can do to help." She scoffs. "They won't even put me on the list until they know that we can pay for the transplant. I feel like that's borderline attempted murder." Her words hurt like hell, but I chuckle along with her anyway. Then I shake my head. "I don't understand why they're willing to cover the medicine for after the surgery, but not the surgery itself. It's stupid." "It's greedy. You need to pay us $260,000 for the surgery, but hey, we'll cover the $17,000 in anti-rejection drugs after. You know, if you make it, and your body doesn't reject the kidney." "Char," I murmur. "Sorry, that got a little darker than I meant for it to. It's just so frustrating. I can't do anything to help from this hospital bed. I don't have a job, have no insurance, so all of this falls on your shoulders. My little sister's shoulders. There is not a single part of this that doesn't suck." "I know, but we'll..." "Figure it out. I know. It's what we do. What we've always done." "You and me against the world." I grip her hand tighter. "Not even kidney failure is gonna bring us down." "That bitch sure is trying, though." She laughs, and I can't help but join in. The nurse, Veronica, comes into the room, a smile stretching across her face. "Well, it's good to hear you ladies laughing." I'm so grateful for her. With Charlotte having already been here for over a month, Veronica has kept her company, in this room and during dialysis, and kept her smiling, when I wasn't able to be here. Ever since she asked if our parents would be visiting and I told her they’d died when we were younger, she’d taken to watching over Charlotte a lot closer. It was a little more bearable leaving here knowing that Veronica checks on her throughout the night while I’m at work. "Everything looking good today?" I ask as she takes Charlotte's blood pressure. "The same," she answers. "Which in this case, same means good.” I nod, looking down at my phone. Why does the time always pass so quickly when I'm with my sister? Sighing, I look back at Charlotte and find her already staring at me, sadness in her eyes. I can feel the apology coming, but like every other time, it's not needed. So, I speak before she can. "I've gotta get going to work," I say as I stand. Charlotte always feels bad when I have to leave for work, a job she feels her sickness has trapped me in. Would I have chosen to leave school to be a waitress at a diner with a dickhead for a boss because it got me good tips? No, but was I more than willing to do it for my sister? Yes. I lean over and kiss her cheek. "I'll call you when I get off." "Don't forget. You know I can't sleep until I know you made it home." "Yes, mom." I chuckle as I walk toward the door. "Bye, Veronica." "See you tomorrow, honey. As for you, I believe we have a scrabble game for you to lose." "In your dreams." Charlotte laughs. I smile as I leave, holding that sound close to my heart. Because the fact is, I'm terrified I might lose it. I'm running out of time, and no closer to having the money for her surgery than when she got admitted a month ago. Between paying for her dialysis and hospital bills, rent, and all the costs for an apartment I'm barely in except to sleep, I'm drowning. I press the button for the elevator, finally letting my shoulders slump as I wait for it to arrive. It feels like the weight of the world is on them, but I know I cannot afford to succumb. My sister's life literally depends on it. A ding sounds moments before the elevator doors open. I step inside, letting my head fall back to the wall. It jerks back up though when a man, just barely, slides through the narrow space between the doors. I watch him with wide eyes as he stumbles into the elevator, wondering why the hell he just risked half his body getting caught in the doors to get into this car. The doors are open again now, but my eyes are stuck to the man, and as I take him in, my mind quickly shifts from trying to figure out if he has a death wish to noticing how damn sexy he is. At least 6'6, jet black hair that's cut on the sides, and longer in the middle. Some of it falls over his eyes until he brings his hand up to brush it back as he finally lifts his head. Full lips that turn up a little at the corners, as if they're in a perpetual smirk, a beard that covers his chin and cheeks. The lines of it along his cheeks are precise, perfect, just like the rest of his face. I see his Adam's apple move with a swallow and my eyes shoot to his. And good lord, those eyes. Light grey, intense, and staring right back at me. I look away, embarrassed at being caught staring, but still, I can't actually stop taking in more of him. His all-black suit fits him so right that it's immediately clear it was tailored just for his body. And what a body it is. His suit does nothing to disguise the muscular frame underneath, tight around his arms and thighs, expanding across his wide chest. I wonder what he looks like without that suit on. Without anything... All thoughts of what he looks like naked stop at the sound the elevator begins to make. I look up at the ceiling of the car, where the grinding, mechanical sounds are coming from. "That doesn't sound good," I murmur. "We'll be fine," the man says, making me look back at him. “I'm sure it's just..." The elevator stops completely. Completely. Jerks to a halt so suddenly that I have to grab onto the handrail to keep from falling. "Oh my fucking God," I exclaim. "Tell me this elevator did not just stop working." "Pretty sure it did."
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